Orson B. Wolf
About the Author
Orson B. Wolf
Orson B. Wolf (AKA Or Ben Zeev) is a writer, a digital marketing specialist, a copywriter and a web designer.
Orson is known for his Animal rights activities, which he combines into his books.
Chasing the Prophet was published originally in Hebrew and after receiving enthusiastic reviews, was translated to English and published in amazon, during May 2020.
Chasing the prophet is Or's first full-length book. Nowadays, Or is writing the sequel to the PROPHET series, which will be published soon, and become the second chapter of the future trilogy.
Orson is working on his next books, all in the genre of thriller and Sci-fi.
You are more than welcome to contact me:
Email - Orsonbwolf@gmail.com
Facebook Page - facebook.com/chasingtheprophet